Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Introduction To California DUI Attorneys

DUI is an abbreviation for ‘Driving Under Influence.’ These are laws pertaining to drunken driving offenses. With rampant DUI cases there are plenty of lawyers available today and some are free of cost. There are many factors you will need to consider (like the penalties of the trial), and consultation can put it in perspective for you.

You will go to trial, and need to get a good, reliable lawyer to represent you. There are many DUI lawyers who are not trustworthy. Some of them boast of a lot of experience but they have little to show for it. Improper representation can have the court coming down very hard on you, so you have to be careful when you pick your lawyer.

The first thing you must find out about your attorney is if he or she specializes in DUI. Lawyers tend to specialize in trying certain types of cases. If your lawyer takes on a wide variety of cases, both civil and criminal, then you are probably talking to a lawyer who does not specialize in DUI cases. If your lawyer represents only DUI offenders, he or she is likely to know the law very well. Go for someone who is a ‘DUI only’ attorney. A good DUI attorney will also have access to technical experts, and have full knowledge of police procedures.

A good DUI lawyer will also settle the fees and expenditures in advance. When getting a contract down on paper, make sure you check if the fee covers charges for DMV hearings. Also, find out if the attorney is a member of the National College of DUI Defense. You can also get a rating on your prospective lawyer through the Martindale-Hubbell International Directory of Attorneys.

Conclusively, a good DUI lawyer is necessary if you are charged with a DUI offense. A specialist lawyer is important to your successful defense.

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18 Wheeler Accidents in San Antonio, Tx

Semi trucks or 18-wheelers are increasingly becoming a hazard for law abiding passenger vehicle drivers in Texas. Due to the size of 18-wheelers, accidents involving one are often catastrophic.

The commercial trucking industry is governed by strict laws that must be followed to insure the safety of other vehicles on the road. Drivers holding a Class-A Commercial Driver’s License, required to drive an 18-wheeler, must observe rest periods after a specified number of hours on the road. Their mileage logs must be kept up to date after every change of duty. Unfortunately, drivers are often pushed to meet deadlines and safety becomes secondary to profit or even job security.

The laws governing 18-wheelers are specific and include, but are not limited to: driver logs and weight restrictions. All of these factors can influence the amount of compensation you may be entitled to.

The commercial traffic increase on interstate 35 in recent years is staggering. Statistics from the US Department of Transportation show that an alarming 30% of 18-wheeler accidents are due to driver fatigue. The injuries from these types of accidents are often life altering, requiring lengthy hospital stays and long rehabilitation periods. Medical bills are often astronomical.

If you have been in a serious accident involving an 18-wheeler, you should not attempt to deal with the insurance carrier yourself. The trucking company has their own team of professionals that are immediately dispatched to the accident scene to begin building a strong defense for the trucking company. You will be pressured to accept an offer much lower than the insurance company was actually willing to pay. Don’t let this happen to you. Have an experienced San Antonio Personal Injury attorney negotiate with the insurance company making sure you get the fairest amount possible for your claim.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Commercial Real Estate Definitions - From O to Z

Commercial real estate is distinctly different from residential real estate. The terminology is very different and here is a list of new terms from O to Z.

Commercial Terms

Operating Expenses: Just as it sounds, operating expenses are those costs associated with operating a commercial property. Contract and state law typically govern the exact nature of the operating expenses.

Partition Wall: A wall built in the internal area of a suite to divide the general space. For instance, offices built during a tenant improvement project with have partition walls separating them.

Punch List: A punch list runs part and parcel with a walk through of completed construction work. The construction company and client will walk through the area and complete a punch list of items that need to be fixed or modified. .

Shell Space: The interior of a commercial building that has been completed, but does not yet have any tenant build outs. The shell space generally refers to this gross square footage regardless of whether tenant improvements have occurred or not.

Substantial Completion: Notice given by a contractor to the client indicating the property has been completed to the point where a walk through and punch list review are appropriate.

Usable Square Feet: The square feet in a building, suite, warehouse and so on that can actually be used by tenants. Due to building regulations and design issues, certain amounts of a space in a tenant suite may not be usable and such footage is excluded from this calculation

Unlike residential real estate, commercial real estate is primarily considered a business transaction. Learn the terms and you're well on your way to moving smoothly through the process.

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Should you hire an accident attorney

You have been in a accident, automobile, slip and fall, workplace, etc.. Should you see or speak with an attorney?

As far as I am concerned, the answer is always yes.

When should you consult with an accident attorney? You should seek the advise of an accident attorney as soon as possible after the accident. Do not wait. You could be giving up certain rights. You should definetly speak with an attorney before speaking with the other sides insurance agent, adjuster or attorney.

You say that you can not afford an attorney. Most accident attorneys will consult with you for free and, if they take your case, will handle it on a contingency basis, not taking any fee untill the case is settled. Most settlements are increased to cover the cost of the attorney and therefore normally the attorney costs you nothing. Many attorneys will also advance all court costs for you if they are forced to file suit.

You say that you were injured, however, the insurance company has offered to pay your medical bills and you do not feel it is right to take advantage of them by asking for additional money for your, pain, suffering, lost work, etc.. Don't you feel that you as a person are worth something? Do you think so little of yourself that you feel that your pain, suffering, inconvience, etc. is worthless. You did not cause this accident. What you are going through was caused by someone else. You deserve to be compensated. The insurance company, as a matter of good business, has already built these types of costs into the premiums that they charge their customers. If the money does not go to you it will
probably go to their shareholders or to increased salaries or ?. Why shouldn't you be properly compensated. Remember most good attorneys are ethical and although they will attempt to obtain as much money for you as is due, they will not take your case unless they feel that it is proper.

You say someone else admitted liability and said that their insurance will pay all your damages. That's great, however, what if the person changes his or her story later on and says that you were at fault. Or what if the other side's insurance company refuses to pay what you think is proper. In fact, how do you know what is proper? Remember, an insurance company may pay claims, but it is in business to make money. It normally will not offer one dollar more than it has to and if you are not represented by an attorney the insurance company adjuster or attorney may feel that he or she can "get away" with paying much less than the claim may be worth. Additionally, what
people state at the time of an accident is not always what they state after having spoken with a friend, insurance agent or attorney. Finally, an insurance adjuster or insurance attorney works for the insurance company, not for you. How do you know that what they are telling you is correct or true. Remember, in most instances, they are there to try and save the company money. You need an attorney on your side to tell you what your rights and obligations are.

You say that you were not hurt that bad or at all. How do you know how badly you were hurt. Some injuries do not show up for months. Other injuries may aggrivate a prior problem. Even if you have been found to be "ok" by a doctor, how do you know that a problem will not come up later. If you have insurance and did go to a doctor, who is going to pay your co-pay or deductible. If you do not have health insurance, who is going to pay for your examination which should include xrays, etc.. If you retain an attorney he or she can probably refer you to a doctor who will accept a lien against the insurance settlement, thereby saving you from paying
money out of your pocket.

You say you have accident insurance, why not let them handle everthing for you. Your insurance company is there to defend any claims against you not to represent you in any claims against other parties. Additionally, they also are in business to make money. How do you know if they are trying to settle a case to help you or to save themselves money.

The foregoing article was written by the author based on experiences he has had as a private investigator representing both accident attorneys and insurance companies. This article is not stated as a legal opinion or as fact but instead is stated as opinion of the author.

Permission is given to reprint this article providing credit is given to the author, David G. Hallstrom, and a link is listed to Resources For Attorneys the owner of this article. Anyone or any company reprinting this article without giving proper credit and the correct link, is doing so without permission.

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